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The display of the elementary block Value corresponds exactly to the block Text. Except that instead of a static text, the value of the Lettering parameter is displayed - formatted according to the configuration.

CSS Classes

  • dashboardFormatControl: an HTML element (DIV) with this CSS class is created for the elementary module itself.
  • dashboardFormatControlText: the actual text is in an inner HTML element (DIV) - the element receives this CSS class.

CSS variables

  • --dashboard-format-control-padding, default 0.5em: the indentation (CSS padding) of the text within the display area of the elementary module. If this variable is not set but --dashboard-control-padding, this value is used instead of the default.
  • --dashboard-format-control-text-foreground, default #000000: the color (CSS color) of the text. If this variable is not set but --dashboard-control-text-foreground, this value is used instead of the default.
  • --dashboard-format-control-text-background, default transparent: the background (CSS background, not just the color background-color) of the text. If this variable is not set but --dashboard-control-text-background, this value is used instead of the default.
  • --dashboard-format-control-text-align, default center: the positioning of the text within the building block (CSS text-align), if this requires less space than that entire width - texts that are too long are always cropped (CSS overflow:hidden, text-overflow:ellipsis, white-space:nowrap). If this variable is not set but --dashboard-control-text-align, this value is used instead of the default.

Output Boolean value as text

Here you can work with a tenary operator:


The quotation marks " and ' can be used interchangeably


binding1 contains a Boolean variable, if this is true, the string is output "active", otherwise "inactive"

Example of a more complicated use of the Value element type

Converting values to display as a value on the dashboard

Current value in percent with respect to a variable from a fader


Example for Symetrix:

Value range 0-65535 (fader) for display convert to -72.0 to +12.0dB (56200 corresponds to ~0dB)

  • min = 0
  • max = 65536
  • dbMin = -72
  • dbMax = 12

Formula for the display element:

Math.round((v - min) / (max - min) * (dbMax - dbMin) + dbMin) + "dB"

Specifically using example 1:

Math.round((v - 0) / (65535 - 0) * (12 - -72) + -72) + "dB"

or shortened

Math.round(v / 65535 * 84 - 72) + "dB"

v = 0 => -72dB

v = 65535 => 12dB

v = 56200 => 0dB

Specifically using example 2:

Math.round((v - 0) / (65535 - 0) * (15 - -45) + -45) + "dB"

or shortened

Math.round(v / 65535 * 60 - 45) + "dB"

v = 0 => -45dB

v = 65535 => 15dB

v = 49200 => 0dB

Formula for Hz

Math.ceil(Math.pow(10, (v / 65535 * 30 - 15) / 9) * 430.886938) + "Hz"

Formula for "Q"

Math.round(1000 * (Math.pow(10, (v / 65535 * 34 - 17) / 10) * 0.997631157)) / 1000